Friday, 25 September 2009

Let the fun begin

Paul (a friend with a van) turned up at my house at 8am. By 8:30, we were bacon-buttied and on our way to Dartford. The 2-hour trip down the M11 proved uneventful with us having missed the worst of the traffic. We got to Caterham at 10:30 and waited a short while for Brian (Sean was off sick!) to help us load the van and trailer with the necessary goodies.

It wasn't what I expected. The chassis got wheeled out on a trolly and left to one side but then the engine got brought out on a lift - we had to load it back on to a wooden engine pallet before strapping it down to the floor of the van. The bigger surprise was a pallet full of a variety of boxes containing everything needed for the build from tie-wraps to a roll cage. The stack was over two meters high...

After an hour and a half of moving and stacking boxes, lifting and strapping-down the chassis and debating the use of a tarp, we were on our way back. Paul chose a different route home which resulted in a trip of over four hours... Seemed like we exhausted our traffic luck in the morning.

The whole super-jigsaw's in the garage now - I've just been out to have a quick check of the contents of the boxes. I think it's all there but the pick-list isn't ordered by box...

One last thing. Brian at Caterham told me the steering rack is the only missing component and it'll be sent as soon as possible - a quick check of the instructions shows the sterring rack is the first item to be fitted...

1 comment:

Charles said...

Feel free to start fitting the suspension, the rack can go in a little later. Best of luck!